Hey there! Thanks for stopping by and getting to know me!

Are you a Christian woman who desires to build a personal brand that aligns with your values and beliefs? Do you want simple, realistic, and actionable steps to monetize your social media? This blog is for you!

I’m a wife, mom, and grandma who makes a full-time income working at home. As a brand strategist, content creator, and social media manager for entrepreneurs, I love what I do.


From 2014 to 2020 I was a divorced mom of 4, with two young children still at home. I quickly realized that working a 9 – 5 job wasn’t for me. I made enough money to pay the bills, but there was never any extra. If one of the kids was sick, I had to rely on my parents to watch them.

In 2019, I decided to begin a network marketing business with the idea that if I could just make a few hundred extra dollars per month it would alleviate some of the financial pressure. At the time, I didn’t really know anything about personal branding or social selling, but I was determined to learn. Within a few months, I was able to start generating a nice little side income.

Then came 2020… and it all changed. I worked in an essential position as a City Clerk. I had to go to work. The kids’ school was closed, so they had to drive two hours each way with me to and from the office. I was attempting to help them with online classes while trying to complete my job to the best of my abilities. It just didn’t work. At all. Something had to give.


My (then boyfriend) and I made the very scary decision that I would quit my job and throw myself into building my network marketing business full-time. There was a lot of trial and error. I enrolled in every coaching program that I could, hoping to learn more about how to make this business work. My business didn’t boom, but it did grow steadily and I made enough for us to live on… barely.

Other entrepreneurs started asking me to show them HOW I made my stories for social media, edited my photos, or made certain graphics. It was during one of these conversations with a new online entrepreneur, that I landed my first social media management client. People started noticing the improvement in her content and the growth of her personal brand. Her business and authority in the online space skyrocketed. Teams started hiring me to provide training and content. From there, my business organically grew into what it is today. I now make more than double what I did as a City Clerk… at home… working about 4-6 hours per day.


In mid-2022, I did a lot of praying and soul-searching about my own network marketing career. I realized that although I believe in and love the industry, what I enjoy most is teaching and helping other women. My real passion is working behind the scenes to help women transform their lives and businesses… and show up as their most confident selves. Right now, it’s impossible for me to do both with the level of quality I expect from myself, so I am not currently with a network marketing company.

What I love most about what I do, is teaching other women how to brand themselves on social media. Unfortunately, there are only a certain number of 1:1 clients I can serve. That is why I felt led to start this blog. I want to teach other women the foundations of personal branding and monetizing their social media. I’ll also be sharing some lifestyle, self-care, and parenting tips for fempreneurs because… hey, it’s all a part of personal branding!

Will you follow this along on this journey with me? There’s no gatekeeping here… you’ll learn what it really takes to build a strong personal brand from the ground up!

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